Your Rights and Responsibilities

Patients have the right to:

  • Receive healthcare on the basis of clinical need, regardless of your income
  • Equal treatment regardless of race, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation or disability or nature of your health problems as long as you reside within the practice boundaries and qualify for free NHS treatment
  • Have reasonable access to high quality service and facilities
  • Receive information on what is wrong with you and the treatment options available
  • Ask questions and be given truthful and clear answers
  • Ask for a second opinion on your diagnosis or treatment
  • Ask to have someone with you (friend/relative/interpreter) at any time
  • Register at a GP Practice as long as you are within their boundary. If a practice is unwilling to take you on they must provide the reason in writing
  • Refuse treatment as you see fit. This includes examinations, tests, diagnostic procedures, medications, operations etc.
  • Refuse to be treated or examined in the presence of medical students
  • Information about GP practices in your area and the services they provide
  • Confidentiality – personal information about your health is confidential and should only be disclosed to those who need that information to provide effective treatment
  • Access to your medical records