Minutes of Meeting held on Thursday, 22nd September 2022



  • Arif Ladha - Practice Manager
  • Brenda Quelch-Brown - Chair
  • Anne Millar
  • Aga Hassan
  • Geoff Bell
  • Neil Singleton
  • Maureen Levy



  • Derek Bird
  • Denise Fonseca
  • Richard Hoffman
  • Tom Harrison


Minutes of the meeting held on 4th August 2022 were agreed.


Matters arising

In view of the difficulties getting a committed date, the presentations will take place in the Spring.  The subject will be Mental Health.  It is hoped to have two presentations plus Dr Kigozi who will give a short presentation at the start of the meeting.

Procedure for House Call Requests – the patient no longer wishes to proceed, therefore no action needed.

Patients who have had Mental Health issues in the past, this will still be flagged on their medical records.  It is therefore quite usual for a doctor to enquire if all was well at a consultation.

Donation still to be agreed with AL and GPs.


Flu Vaccination Programme

There will be a clinic taking place on Saturday 24th September in the Heath Room and Church, following which the practice will look at what patients are left and come up with a plan for the remaining patients.

When Covid was rife there was a huge uptake of Flu and Covid vaccines a couple of years ago. Last year the Flu uptake went drastically down. We believe that patients were feeling that we are pre-Covid times and don’t want a flu vaccine this year.  This year patients are declining their flu vaccine. The same is being experienced by other practices.  


Covid Booster Programme

Covid Boosters - we are presuming will generally be an ongoing programme year on year.  This could change.  Many practices in Croydon are not signing up to do the covid booster programme this is because general practices do not have the capacity to do Covid boosters.  When Covid boosters started we were given some  exemptions  and focusing on those and other services took a pit stop. It is now business as usual and don’t have the capacity. OCMP will support patients in Care Homes and Vulnerable Housebound patients.  Patients who are not in these categories, are advised to make an appointment at St Aidens (Valley Pharmacy) and top floor in Centrale in Croydon.

The vaccines are the new bi-valiant tackling the Omicron and previous variant, currently Moderna and also Pfizer coming through.   Two members of the PPG had vaccinations at Caterham Dene.  Patients are advised to book online or by phoning 119  or for walk-in services

Patients must not turn up without an appointment.


Practice Update

Practices are all under pressure at present in primary care; there are so many changes, such as Covid, Flu, Polio etc.  We are also hitting the Autumn and Winter season that will be manic.

OCMP is currently updating the website and AL will keep BQB updated.

Enhanced Access:, from the 1st October the Primary Care Network (PCN) now takes over the Enhanced Access.  The only difference for patients is that Purley Hospital stopped from April.  Woodcote Medical Practice in Foxley Lane, Purley will now be the Hub site for delivering booked Saturday appointments between 9am – 5pm. 

At OCMP appointments during the week can be booked ahead and there are some appointments available daily.  Overall, OCMP are able to offer appointments in a relatively short space of time.

ML – It was said at a meeting she had attended that the number system is no longer used and is deteriorating.  This has not been operational and has not been taking place since Covid. The current system is enabling more appointments.  OCMP has moved with the times and continue to innovate and operate new ways of working.   As members of the PPG, we are in a privileged position to understand the way that practices are working.  You are the voice of the Practice and our role is to Champion the practice.

NHS App is being taken up by more patients and continues to be promoted and is the way forward. NHS England guidance is to improve Digitalisation in primary care.  AL is currently doing a workplace project Understanding the Challenges and Barriers of patients using Digitalisation in Primary Care and may seek comments from PPG members.


PPG Chairs within the PCN

There are now only 4 Chairs including OCMP as Mitchley Avenue and Selsdon Park have merged. BQB will be meeting with the Chairs in October.  BQB to speak with Caroline re availability of a consulting room.


Any Other Business

ML raised that the plan for the Calat Centre is now not acceptable as raised by the Residents Associations.  The South of the borough only has 7 health facilities whereas the North of the borough has far in excess.  AL  no general influence.  Can the GPs put any pressure on the NHS?  AL will take on board and speak with the GPs.

BQB enquired if the practice can draw up patients who have had Sepsis and notify them that the Sepsis Support Group is available.  AL will advise BQB.


Date of next meeting:

November date to be agreed.

If you require any previous meeting minutes, please contact the surgery.