Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 22nd June 2023


Present: PPG members and OCMP personnel. Brenda Quelch-Brown (BQB), Tom Harrison (TH), Richard Hoffman (RH), Derek Bird (DB), Denise Fonseca (DF), Arif Ladha (AL), Neil Singleton (NS), Geoff Bell (GB), Maureen Levy (ML).

  1. Welcome to Members present: as listed above
  2. Apologies for Absence: Anne Millar (AM)
  3. Minutes of 24th March 2021: Agreed
  4. Matters arising: None
  5. Adopt Chairperson’s Report: Proposer DB, Seconder  AH. BQB report adopted without further discussion
  6. Adopt Accounts for the year ending 31st August 2022: Proposer DF, Seconder GB. Balance in accounts is £266.13, £170 a specifically sepsis fund, £96.13 unrestricted for PPG use.
  7. Election of Officers and Committee Members for the year ending 2023/24: Chairperson Proposer DF, Seconder AH. Brenda Quelch-Brown re-elected as Chairperson. Secretary Proposer BQB, Seconder DF. Richard Hoffman re-elected as Secretary. Committee Members Proposer, Seconder. Re-elected en bloc. Treasurer – TH decided not to stand for re-election. AH and DB both volunteered but AH stepped aside and proposed DB. TH seconded. DB duly elected as Treasurer
  8. Any Other Business: DF asked about the virtual group being invited to AGM, BQB stated that the virtual group were invited, but rarely attend. 

Meeting Closed 16.00